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About us

We are Students from YCIS and we are doing a project about legacy. We found out that endangered animals is a serious problem and really wanted to try and change it. Therefore, we used this topic and hope that if everyone lends a hand, it can make a big difference.

Save the animals by donating money or promote to others not to kill animals.

Our mission is to encourage people to save animals and care about them as we all have lives.


Why is it so important to help ?

If we don't start taking action to help the animals, they will become endangered quickly, after that, they will even become extinct. From an anthropological point of view: people have higher IQ, they have the responsibility, and are obliged to protect vulnerable species on the same planet. We have lives, so do they, we have homes, so do they, we eat so do they. However, if we kill them and cut down trees, this will all become a reality.


Biodiversity is critical for healthy and functional ecosystems. Because wild animals are extracted from their natural habitats, the delicate balance of the ecosystem will be disrupted, with catastrophic consequences. For example, there are many species of species living in tropical rainforests. If any species is extinct, the food chain will be destroyed, affecting all species. Therefore, promoting biodiversity is one of the main reasons why we should protect wildlife.


Whether it is humans or other species, it always advocates equality of life and let it go, but there is always a weak bottom line in mind.

What are the benefits of having ecological balance?

When we conserve and protect the natural habitat of wildlife species, we enrich our planet. To do so, we must keep the animals in their natural place. Conservation of natural habitats will also be beneficial for humans since it helps keep the essential watersheds intact and Safeing clean, fresh water.


Today, there are now wildlife conservation programs, they are the animals to roam freely in their natural habitat. Some of these programs also allow the animals to interact with humans. This is beneficial since it educates the people and raises Awareness regarding the importance of protecting these wildlife species.

What happens if everyone lends a hand?

Although human beings are the biggest threat to wild animals, they are also the only hopes of the world. In addition to large institutions, enterprises and governments, there are also individuals and small communities that are protecting our wildlife - and humans - to have a safer Work hard in the future. From curbing demand for animal products, developing and implementing laws to combat illegal traffic, volunteering to organizations that help protect endangered species, warriors protecting animals are fighting the threats to Earth animals in a variety of ways.


Smaller actions can also reflect the great meaning that we may not be able to resurrect the species that have disappeared, but there are many species that are endangered, and we need to pay attention to and act without delay to create problems, but to solve problems: Let us respect and protect the earth's wild species.


Doing only a simple thing can also make a change. We can become closer to animals and become friends with them. Therefore, we really encourage you to treat them like human and don't kill them.

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